Friday, November 19, 2010


Any child, who is weak in studies is called disabled.Is this child's fault?Is he a useless creature on earths he is weak in studies? is that right?
Nobody wants to know in what thing the child is interested, nobody wants to know what the child wants. Is the academics the only thing? Was Pablo Piccaso not a man who was also suffering from dyslexia and even then he proved himself as a legendry artist. The god of cricket Sachin Tendulkar never reached to 12th class, then even everybody salutes him.
In this process of life the child get as pressurized as if he is a pressure cooker. In this whole procedure the thing which get most effected is their mind. Due to this pressure the child can't concentrate on his studies , as well as in the thing also in which he is interested.And by this the life of child get surrounded by a lot of contradiction. This is the most bitter truth about our society which acts as a conversion machine and makes the special children 'DISABLE'.

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